Comparing Different Business Structures for Company Setup in Singapore


Setting up a company in Singapore involves a critical decision – choosing the right business structure. The choice of structure significantly impacts various aspects of your operations, including ownership, liability, taxation, and regulatory requirements. Set up company in singapore for its business-friendly environment, offers several business structures, each with its advantages and considerations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore and compare different business structures to help you make an informed decision when establishing your company in the Lion City.

1. Sole Proprietorship


  • Ownership: Solely owned by an individual.
  • Liability: Full personal liability.
  • Taxation: Personal income tax rates.


  • Easy Setup: Simple and cost-effective to establish.
  • Full Control: Complete control over business decisions.
  • Tax Benefits: Individual income tax rates may be favorable.


  • Unlimited Liability: Personal assets are at risk.
  • Limited Growth: May face challenges in raising capital.
  • Dependency: Relies heavily on the individual owner.

When to Consider:

  • Ideal for small businesses and freelancers.
  • Low-risk ventures with minimal capital requirements.

2. Partnership


  • Ownership: Shared between two or more partners.
  • Liability: Partners share liability.
  • Taxation: Personal income tax rates.


  • Shared Responsibility: Distributed workload and decision-making.
  • Ease of Setup: Relatively easy and cost-effective.
  • Tax Efficiency: Profits taxed at personal income tax rates.


  • Shared Liability: Partners share legal and financial responsibilities.
  • Limited Capital: May face challenges in raising significant capital.
  • Dependent on Partnerships: Success relies on strong partnerships.

When to Consider:

  • Suitable for ventures with multiple owners.
  • Businesses where partners want to share responsibilities.

3. Private Limited Company (Pte Ltd)


  • Ownership: Shareholders own the company.
  • Liability: Limited to the amount invested.
  • Taxation: Corporate tax rates.


  • Limited Liability: Personal assets are protected.
  • Capital Raising: Easier to attract investors.
  • Perpetual Existence: Continuity beyond owner changes.


  • Complex Setup: More administrative requirements.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Must comply with corporate regulations.
  • Higher Costs: Initial and ongoing compliance costs.

When to Consider:

  • Well-suited for businesses with growth ambitions.
  • Seeking external investments and a separate legal entity.

4. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)


  • Ownership: Combination of partners with limited liability.
  • Liability: Limited for each partner.
  • Taxation: Personal income tax rates.


  • Limited Liability: Protection for personal assets.
  • Flexibility: Fewer regulatory requirements than a company.
  • Shared Control: Partnerships can distribute roles.


  • Complex Structure: Balances characteristics of a company and partnership.
  • Limited Capital: May face challenges in raising significant capital.
  • Dependence on Partners: Success relies on strong partnerships.

When to Consider:

  • Appropriate for professional services firms.
  • Businesses where partners want limited liability.

5. Subsidiary Company


  • Ownership: Foreign parent company owns the subsidiary.
  • Liability: Limited to the subsidiary’s capital.
  • Taxation: Corporate tax rates.


  • Limited Liability: Independent legal entity.
  • Global Presence: Facilitates international expansion.
  • Separate Finances: Financial independence from the parent company.


  • Higher Costs: Compliance and operational expenses.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Must adhere to local and international regulations.
  • Complex Structure: Requires careful management and coordination.

When to Consider:

  • Suitable for multinational corporations.
  • Businesses expanding their operations internationally.

Choosing the Right Structure for Your Business in Singapore


  • Nature of Business: The type of business you are operating can influence the ideal structure.
  • Ownership and Control: Consider how much control and ownership you want to retain.
  • Liability Concerns: Evaluate the level of personal liability you are comfortable with.
  • Capital Requirements: Assess your capital needs and potential for future growth.
  • Tax Implications: Understand the tax implications for both the company and individual owners.

Consulting Professionals:

Engaging with business consultants, legal advisors, and financial experts can provide valuable insights based on your specific circumstances.


Choosing the right business structure is a critical decision when setting up a company in Singapore. Each structure has its unique features, advantages, and considerations. It’s essential to align your choice with your business goals, growth expectations, and risk tolerance. Consulting professionals and understanding the regulatory landscape will guide you in making an informed decision.

Whether you opt for a sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited company, limited liability partnership, or subsidiary company, Singapore’s business-friendly environment provides a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey. Take the time to assess your business needs and aspirations, ensuring that the chosen structure aligns with your vision for success. The meticulous selection of your company’s structure is a strategic investment in the longevity and prosperity of your business in Singapore’s dynamic economic landscape.

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Alex John
Alex John
Articles: 19

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